How Long Should I Stay Home from Work After Dental Implant Surgery?
April 22, 2022
If you’re having dental implants placed soon, you probably couldn’t be more excited to look and feel like you have your natural teeth back. Of course, you already know you’re going to need to take a day off from work for the procedure, but how long after that will you be able to return to work? The answer isn’t the same for every patient. Below are some important factors that can affect how long you should stay home from work after dental implant surgery.
(more…)Why You Should Invest Your Tax Refund in Your Smile
April 6, 2022
Getting your tax refund often feels like an early birthday gift! Now, with the extra money, you’ll probably want to spend it on any new products you’ve had your eye on for some time. But have you considered saving it for something more enduring, such as your dental health? Read on to learn why investing your tax refund in improving your smile is a great move.