December 22, 2022
You might believe Halloween is the worst time of the year for your smile, but the weeks following can take a toll on your dental health. More snacking, traveling, and deviating from your daily routines during the holidays can mean bad news the next time you visit your dentist. The holidays don’t have to come back to haunt your smile. Here are 6 tips to safeguard your pearly whites during the weeks ahead.
December 19, 2022
You have more options than before to replace missing teeth. Whether you’ve lost a single tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch, dental implants provide the next best thing to your natural smile. However, they are attributed to a hefty price tag. Are they really worth the added expense? Yes! You can’t put a price on the benefits you’ll gain by investing in dental implants. Here are 5 reasons they are worth every penny.