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What Do I Need to Know About Lip and Tongue-Ties?

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — hbperiodontics @ 10:07 pm
Man receives explanation from dentist

While you may be aware of how lip and tongue-ties make it difficult for infants to speak and feed properly, many people don’t know about how these conditions can affect adults. An untreated lip or tongue-tie can significantly complicate adult life by making communication difficult and causing a great deal of oral discomfort. Here’s a brief guide to two popular misconceptions about lip and tongue-ties as well as what you should know about how these issues can be treated in adults.

Misconception One: Lip and Tongue-Ties Typically Resolve Themselves During Childhood

The lips and the tongue are both anchored in the mouth by masses of tissue called frenulums, and some children are born with these structures being too thick or too short, resulting in a lip or tongue-tie. This can make moving the mouth normally difficult and cause a variety of issues such as discomfort when breastfeeding and speech problems later on.

While dentists and periodontists in previous decades often thought that a lip or tongue-tie could be expected to resolve itself because a child would rip their tongue or lip free during play, this is no longer considered a reliable course of treatment. Many people today deal with lip and tongue-ties well into adulthood, and this can lead to a range of quality-of-life issues such as difficulties speaking and eating. It’s best to see your dentist to have your lip or tongue-tie resolved with a procedure called a frenectomy.

Misconception Two: Treating a Lip or Tongue-Tie Is Painful for Adults

Many people get anxious at the thought about oral surgery, but the truth is that a modern frenectomy is a very minor and non-invasive treatment for both children and adults. Today’s periodontists use special lasers to safely and comfortably remove excess tissue from the frenulum, and these devices actually cauterize the surgical area in the process, meaning that there will be little or no bleeding afterward. Afterward, the patient should be able to speak and eat with increasing comfort and ease as they get more practice.

A lip or tongue-tie can be a frustrating problem for an adult. Consulting with your periodontist can help you find out if a frenectomy is the best treatment for you.

About the Author

Dr. Justin Braga earned his dental degree at the University of the Pacific in San Francisco and received his GPR Certificate at the VA Palo Alto. He is proud to be a member of the American Dental Association and the California Dental Association. His office in Huntington Beach offers periodontal therapy, dental implants, and frenectomies. If you are concerned about a lip or tongue-tie, contact the office online or dial (714) 587-9094.

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